Quick like a bunny

Quick like a bunny

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Green Juice Recipe (Dinner last night)

After watching a movie on the Internet called fat, sick & nearly dead. I was inspired to juice more. I have a lot of Swiss Chard, Kale, and Kohlrabi growing in my backyard garden. I took an Apple, plus a Lime I had on hand and juiced it with the veggies I mentioned above. Turned out very nice.

I am sure lemon would be good to. When I run out of these veggies, I hope to have other types growing or will buy different kinds at the store. I used 2 Kale leaves, 3 Swiss Chard leaves and one Kohlrabi with some of the leaves. Just FYI. Use as much as you need or like. This amount made 1 1/2 cups of liquid and that is my usual amount juiced, I like to drink at a time. I used a very big apple. You may need 2 or even  3 apples to get the taste and amount you want.